‎Spirit Airlines

maximum motivation

I am totally blind, and just downloaded Spirit a few minutes ago. I found upon signing up for an account, almost all parts of the process are somewhat inaccessible. The “Sign in” and “Create an account” buttons, as well as everything else in the app, are labeled just fine, but here’s what could be fixed:
The text fields after the statement “Please enter your name as it appears on your government ID” should be labeled “First name,” “Last name,” and “Email.” The field to enter your password (which my iPhone’s screen reader, VoiceOver, reads as “Secure text field”) should be labeled “Password.” The button to show/hide password should also be labeled, as well as the button to go back at the top of the sign-up menu. The areas to enter your birthday and country, although my screen reader handled the pop-ups beautifully, should be labeled accordingly. Finally, after you are in the main app after creating an account, the button at the top of the home screen that takes you to a menu where you can view/edit your profile should be labeled “My account” or something similar.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope these issues can be resolved soon.

Hi there, thanks for the feedback. Our app developers are constantly improving our app to fit all your needs! We’ll be sure to pass down this information. — Your Spirit Mobile Help Team



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